Newport Girls' High School

Classroom v2

Sixth Form Summer Assignments

Welcome to NGHS6

We are delighted that you are joining us and have accepted a place as a member of our new Year 12. The start of term is always exciting as you will get to meet lots of new people and start your A levels. Our Liverpool Weekend will also come around quickly which is great fun and a real chance to get to know lots of other students.

In order to help you bridge the gap from GCSE to A-level and come to school fully prepared in September, each subject has set you a summer assignment to complete. Please complete the task(s) set for each subject you have chosen to study to the best of your ability and bring the work to school ready for your first lesson.

If you have any queries about joining NGHS in the meantime, please contact us via  however please be aware that term ends on 19 July and it may take a while for us to get back to you during the holidays. 

Best wishes, Mrs K. Griffin (Head of Sixth Form)

A Welcome from Ellisha G - Head Girl 2024/25


We are delighted to welcome both old and new faces to NGHS6! The Head Girl Team, House Team and our wonderful staff work hard to ensure a seamless integration from GCSE to A-level, and we are certain that the close-knit school community will ensure everyone is able to thrive under our support. During your time here not only will you be guided to achieve and exceed your full academic potential but will create unforgettable memories with friends new and old. NGHS6 are host to various sixth form socials such as our Liverpool weekend getaway, which aims to integrate students while providing them with the independence to explore the city as well as being provided the opportunity to participate in a multitude of school clubs including netball, rugby and karate.

The teaching is exceptional, with interesting and engaging lessons where teachers go above and beyond to ensure students learning is to the highest standard. There are so many opportunities outside the classroom; you may want to keep active in a competitive sports team, show off your musical talent in choir or orchestra or try out a completely new hobby which piques your interest. NGHS6 does not shy away from friendly competition, with the house system, where students are encouraged to take part in events throughout the year to support their own House. All in all, I have loved every minute of my time in Newport Girls’ Sixth Form and since joining the school in sixth form it I can honestly say this is an environment made for everybody to thrive in and I hope that you have the same amazing experience that I did, too.

Important documents to download and complete

Permission to leave at lunchtime

Image consent form

ICT and internet acceptable use policy

Confidential information form GDPR

BYOD policy Sixth Form

Biometrics opt in 2024

 Annual consent form for school trips

Summer assignments for your chosen A level subjects

(Please complete and bring the work to your first lesson for the subject in September)