Information about careers across different subject specific areas is integrated within teaching in all subjects. For overviews of subject curriculum, please go here (link to subject pages)
Within PSHE there are specific units about careers, which involve a rigorously planned sequence of sessions utilising a broad range of high-quality resources and a full programme of visiting speakers from various areas of specialism. Broadly, the PSHE programme is as follows:
Year 7: Discovering skills, qualities and interests.
Year 8: Decision making around GCSE Options, including exploring the link between subjects and careers.
Year 9: An introduction to Post 16 and 18 Options.
Year 10: An employability led programme run mainly be our Enterprise Adviser, Catherine Keeble from Reassure. The students will learn about job applications, CVs and have an interview with a member of staff from Reassure.
Year 11: Reintroducing Post 16 and 18 Options.
These useful links will help you to learn more about the Careers Curriculum: