SIMS & GDPR support
Kathy Jones
I have worked in education since 2010 and led the successful implementation of SIMS at NGHS about ten years ago. I have experience supporting other schools in making the best use of SIMS including report writing, assessment manager and attendance monitoring processes.
As Operations Manager and a member of the Senior Leadership Team at NGHS, I have a good understanding of the various data and reporting requirements schools require and my knowledge of SIMS enables me to support schools to achieve these requirements efficiently.
I am also able to advise on GDPR matters related to schools.
Safeguarding & PSHE/RSHE
Hayley Birch
I have been working in education since 2008 and have worked in 3 very different types of schools. My background is teaching Physical Education and I have had whole school responsibility in 2 schools for the health and wellbeing agenda. Over time I have used this passion to develop my role as the Designated Safeguarding Lead here at Newport Girls’ High School.
I have developed a wealth of experience in safeguarding and PSHE and know that it is fundamental for us to teach students about safeguarding through their PSHE lessons. We deliver a programme where all students have one hour per week of PSHE on their timetable and we have been an early adopter school for implementing the statutory components of RSHE. We effectively use student voice in both of these areas to find out what life is like for our students to ensure that we are meeting their needs.
If you are interested in reviewing safeguarding practice or developing PSHE/RSHE within your school, I would be pleased to offer support.
Careers, Baker Clause, Gatsby & Work-Exp
Kate Gill
I currently lead NGHS's careers programme, requiring strategic management of the school’s careers vision, collaboration with partner organisations, adherence to the requirements of the National Careers Strategy and Gatsby benchmarks, and a holistic overview of the careers offer for students in years 7 to 13.
I am passionate about facilitating the individual careers journey for each student through a range of delivery mechanisms and is keen to ensure effective resource deployment to achieve far reaching goals. At an operational level, I aspire to ensure every student feels empowered and supported in their careers decision making.