Newport Girls' High School


Donate Now!

We would welcome a monthly donation of anything from £7.51 (a prime number in pence) upwards for twelve months. Larger donations are of course very welcome - please contact us via or call the school on 01952 797550 to discuss this in more detail. Room naming opportunities are also available.

You are welcome to set up your own standing order or to make a bank transfer to the following account:

Account Name: Friends of NGHS Account
Sort Code:  30-96-02
Account Number: 07160712

If you have made a donation to the Friends Account (above), please kindly fill in this form to notify us of your donation and also to confirm whether we can apply for GiftAid on your donation.

As a reminder, here are some suggested donation amounts to choose from:

PRIME Monthly donation for 12 months Rough cost equivalence Donation with Gift Aid
£7.51 2 Costa coffees £9.39
£10.09 2 magazines £12.61
£15.11 A take-away £18.89
£20.03 A trip to the cinema £25.04
£30.01 A pair of jeans £37.51
£50.03 A month's gym pass £62.54
£75.07 A meal out with the family £93.84
£99.73 A family food shop £124.66

Alternatively, please use the direct link below to our Givey webpage to make a one-off donation, with GiftAid, if appropriate. Thank you.