Newport Girls' High School

B8I0038 v2

Pastoral Team

Students at NGHS are well cared for by a dedicated pastoral support team.

Their primary needs are met on a daily basis by the form tutor, but a Head of Year also monitors progress and is there to offer support when required. Our Pastoral Administrator also supports the Heads of Year and oversees the medical/first aid provision on site. The pastoral team make it a priority to get to know students individually and to support with academic progress and provide emotional support when required. This begins during transitional visits at students’ primary schools and a handover of information occurs when a student moves on to a new Head of Year.

The Year 7 students are integrated into life at NGHS with the help of Year 8s. Settling into a new school can often be a worry, but we do all we can to alleviate any concerns during our induction day and in the first few weeks in September.

Heads of Year

Our Heads of Year in 2024-2025 are:

Year 7 Mrs D Martin
Year 8 Ms K Danby
Year 9 Mrs A Chapman
Year 10  Mrs A-M Davies
Year 11 Ms J Capaldi
Years 12 & 13 Mrs K Griffin

