4 February 2020

We have recently achieved our Bronze Eco-Schools award. This involved action in 3 areas and we chose to focus on waste, global citizenship and biodiversity. Since the start of SustaiNGHS we have transformed the school into a considerably more sustainable place and hope to take this further.
SustaiNghs has completed an audit of everything our school is doing to become greener. The results are in:
We scored highest in the Biodiversity category, thanks to Gardening Club, with more plans on the way to make this even better.
- The school did not score well on energy or water usage - more education and awareness need to be raised about the school’s supply and demand.
- We are doing well in “Global Citizenship” but have the potential to do even better. Therefore, we are choosing this category to focus on in the next stages of our Eco-Schools Awards.
- Although we are doing well overall in the healthy living category, there is one big section we are unable to score in: the healthy food choices available.
- Littering is also an area we are always keen to work on, which we will focus on over summer when more people choose to eat outside.
- Marine Support and Transport are the categories we scored lowest overall in. We hope to rectify this with our work with Surfers Against Sewage, which should help us improve these scores.
The three categories SustaiNghs have chosen to tackle in order to achieve the Silver Award are Biodiversity, Global Citizenship and Waste. If you would like to help us make the school a greener place please come along to room 103 on Tuesdays at 1pm!